Thursday, January 15, 2009

A moment of reflection

It is slam bang in the middle of a busy work day.

A day which was to commence with a conference call at 9am and end with another one at 11.30pm. The first call was to quickly connect with my friend and colleague to agree on some pressing issues, but could not take place because of some even more pressing issues taking precedence! And the last one will have to do with discussing the future plans for our organisation with a bunch of our leaders. In between, the opportunity to provide guidance and counsel to some dear colleagues on matters of career. And through the day, address a variety of areas of varying degrees of near term and long term significance.

So what am I doing here right now??

I was walking back from lunch (which is usually a solitary affair here in Singapore...part of the package deal which comes with global roles that operate in this virtual world). And I suddenly think about how we navigate through our busy, interaction and transaction filled work lives - focussed on the here and now. Solving this issue, dousing that fire, beginning one assignment, bringing to culmination another. Debating and arguing. Sometimes we plan...not just our work, but how to deal with people - customers, bosses, peers, subordinates - some of which have seemingly conflicting interests and priorities. At other times, we share our perspectives and emotions with trusted souls. Some days are filled with excitement and others just drag on. And how we get consumed by our environment and act and react accordingly, differently in times of opportunity...and differently when we percieve adversity.

This funny work life of ours.

If only we could take a moment to still our minds and stand in reflection. A few minutes perhaps. Our mind...often muddy and unclear like the ripples on the surface of a lake on which stones are constantly being thrown. A bit of stillness...and clouds of confusion fade away, the vision clears, actions emerge and they get executed with clarity and sharpness. Like the beauty and serenity hidden within the depths of the lake whose surface lies still.

Just one tiny little moment of reflection...I had this sudden urge to capture it!

1 comment:

aditi said...

I know exactly how you feel- earlier I would keep sneaking off for smoking breaks and take the time to just think.
Later, when I tried to quit- I learnt I was not missing the cigarette at all but the time outs for just standing quietly and thinking!

Post script- When i later tried just going out for 2 minutes with no cigarette in hand, i found people looking at me oddly- like this wierd jobless girl who is just standing around outside office with no work. So I had to give that up. Sigh!