Actually it all began in January, soon after a trip we took on the very second day of the new year. Two cars drove up to a beachside kennel-cum-residence of a prize winning breeder of German Shepherd Dogs in Sydney. We were there on an important mission - to check out a prospective family member. Something that required the presence and approval of several of our kin. Not that anyone had much expertise in the job at hand, i.e. in making a selection from 10 day old puppies, but we all took the responsibility seriously anyway. A burly Aussie gent answered the doorbell wearning an expression which could best be described as a mixture of disbelief and exasperation...who were these beaming bunch of Indians in his front yard?? But we got past that. An hour later we drove away, all questions having been satisfactorily answered. We also got to meet some of his prized dogs and take a peek at the new born puppies whose eyes were yet to open. The decision was pretty much made instantaneously, though one would dare not proclaim that ahead of the family huddle...
I have my niece, Rimjhim to thank for this. When I arrived in Australia late in December, the soon-to-be 21 year old was given an assignment - to successfully identify a breeder of GSD's with a recent litter who was also willing and able to export the puppy to Singapore. She was off the blocks in an instant. Starting with the quintessential Google search, she surfaced various options, explored export procedures, spoke to several breeders, and even did a sales pitch on my behalf telling them how well the puppy would be taken care of in faraway Singapore (yes, that matters to most Aussie breeders who are quite patriotic about their dogs). And lo and behold, within 48 hours - a hair's breath away from the Christmas break when everyone and everything shuts down - we had established contact with a well known breeder who had new born puppies. The rest as they say is (modern) history. Rimjhim had nailed this!
After three long months during which my family made another visit to check in on him, and some missed deadlines later, he finally arrived on March 25. Despite all my planning I ended up being in Chicago for a crucial workshop, while he was welcomed by my wife and parents. The transatlantic journey back was longer than usual and the delayed connection from Hong Kong did not help matters it was only at 3am the following Monday when I got my first glimpse. He was my house!! Awake, curious, and tail wagging slowly.
So here he is. Introducing..........Kulfi!!

Barely two weeks down the road, the transformation from puppyhood has begun. The ears have perked up, movement of any kind generates tremendous excitement...and all things animate and inanimate are entirely meant for chewing pleasure!
And the latest discovery this morning...the new paper shredder in my home office!

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