Friday, December 12, 2008

Why do I blog?

The first coherent reason I can come up with is that it gives me an opportunity for expression. The joy of being in my little private corner. Where I have the freedom to air my thoughts without constraints. I can go where I like and when I like...I can talk about what I choose to. And then sit back and listen to myself. I have the choice to agree or disagree with myself. I can contradict myself at will. And if I get bored I can move onto something else...whatever catches my fancy.

Second, my shortcomings as a writer don't hinder me in the least. The lack of character in sentence construction or paucity of vocabulary do not inhibit. No one is passing judgement and I am not striving to meet standards set by others.

And finally, I decide who I want to invite to my little private corner. The key to ViShesh PraRambh is in my hand and I determine who comes in for a look-see. My guests are entertained with little snippets and disjointed thoughts. They have the choice to engage in dialogue...or if they feel the need for silence, to just take a leisurely walk around, stay as long as they choose and move on to wherever their wanderings take them. There is no protocol and no one takes offense. So far the list of invitees is really small...and even as my invitation stands extended, there are no takers. Never mind, I am not bothered. Cos this is still my little private corner and I have plenty to entertain myself with. Perhaps someday some of us will get together and make something of out of nothing...

Are these good enough reasons to blog...or do I search for more answers?

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