Thursday, December 30, 2010

Retracing my steps to Vishesh Prarambh

Prolonged absence from one's vocation can have serious effects...the most pronounced being the loss of fluency of expression.  Which I am currently experiencing in abundance.  Writing does not come easy to me these days.  Is it because of lack of quality time...or a lack of quality thinking, I wonder? 

So as I sat in a cafe yesterday with the Singapore river flowing quietly behind me, I yearned for thoughts that I could pour onto the keyboard.  Images of the year gone by flashed past and myriad thoughts crossed my mind...quite typical I suppose to reminsice as a year draws to a close.  But these did not grab me for long.  Sure it has been an eventful twelve months.  Work took me to various places (repeatedly to USA but also within Asia and Europe) and I was privileged to have the opportunity to know and work with people from around the world.  My involvement with continued and I am delighted to see the organisation marching forth with great energy and purpose.  Personally, there were bittersweet moments as I rued the loss of friendships, whilst on the other hand new one's were formed.  The most notable being with the four legged creature who roams around the premises as I write.  And my health had held up, in no small measure due to a wonderful and caring trainer who has helped me stay fit despite a fairly erratic lifestyle.

While there were events and moments of consequence in 2010, it seemed there was something of greater relevance which I could vaguely sense but was unable to fully comprehend.  What was it that was gnawing at the back of my mind??  Why did it feel like I needed to delve deeper into my consciousness? 

Finally, as the double espresso worked its way down my throat, the mist surrounding my being began to clear...with almost a sudden and jarring realisation that the first decade of the 21st century was about to end! Just then I felt the weight of these momentous years.

A decade...

...which had seen me moving out of my hometown to go and live in 3 different cities across 2 countries

...that literally consumed my 30's (quite a distressing thought - the impending 40's!)

...which felt like a lifetime...of learning, loving, leaving, gaining, losing, regaining, climbing, falling, leading, following, succeeding, failing...even (almost) succumbing and being returned to life

Indeed, this decade has been of consequence!  And as the lights of 2010 begin to flicker, I feel a strong desire to internalise this period of my life.  Perhaps in the coming days realisation shall dawn and find its way to the portals of Vishesh Prarambh...or maybe they will stay in the deep recesses of my mind!  Who knows...

One recent event though must surely have its pride of place among these pages...Kulfi is now one year old!  And I can't help feeling that he just arrived yesterday...

1 comment:

PreeOccupied said...

Looks like the double espresso worked. Wonderfully expressed words. Kulfi is a big boy now. He looks so handsome.